Sunday, February 5, 2012

Massage and Make-up events (and basketball)

The last week and half has been non-stop with events and volunteer groups coming through. Last week we had very popular Japanese make-up group(equivalent to May Kay in America I think) come and do an event here at the house. They gave hand massages, make overs for the ladies, and a dietitian talked with them on various health issues. They have come before and done 2 events last fall. They will be coming two more times this month as well.

make up and hand massage

hand massage!

We also had a massage/acupuncture guy come through for 3 days this past week as well. He worked out of the house for 2 of the days and the other day he worked at a nearby temporary housing. We had a videographer come through  as well for several days. He was gathering footage for a fundraising video for childrens' programs in tsunami hit areas.

Thanks to meeting a home owner through a house dedication by Samaritan's Purse I finally found a place to play basketball. This is my favorite sport and I had not been able to play since being in Japan. They meet every sunday evening for two hours at the local elementary school. It is pretty exciting for it has given us a chance to get to know another group of people in this area. Below are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.
One of the men on our team

This past sunday three different teams got together to play.

The man with the jersey #4 is the homeowner who invited us to play!  Many thanks to him!

So much fun! 

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